Update your Information

We need Medicaid members’ most up-to-date mailing address and phone number to make sure you get important information about your coverage. Members can make updates:

  1. Online at commonhelp.virginia.gov
  2. By calling Cover Virginia at 833-5CALLVA (TTY: 1-888-221-1590)
  3. By calling your local department of social services (DSS)

How to create an account at Common Help:

  1. Go to commonhelp.virginia.gov.
  2. Click “Check my benefits.”
  3. To link your case to your Common Help account, you will need your case number and your member ID number. These numbers are on the front of the paper renewal form that came in the mail. You can also call your local DSS and ask for the two numbers.

How else can members stay up-to-date with Virginia Medicaid news?

Visit Renew my coverage for more information about how to renew your Medicaid coverage, update your information, and for resources for stakeholders and advocates.

Apply for coverage for a family member

To apply for coverage for a family member who is not now enrolled, go to Apply.


Call us at 833-5CALLVA ( TTY : 1-888-221-1590).