S. 1 (110th): Honest Leadership and Open Government Act of 2007

Aug 2, 2007 at 1:50 p.m. ET. On the Motion (Motion to Concur in the Amendment of the House to S.1) in the Senate.

This was a vote to pass S. 1 (110th) in the Senate.

The Honest Leadership and Open Government Act of 2007 (Pub.L. 110–81, 121 Stat. 735, enacted September 14, 2007) is a law of the United States federal government that amended parts of the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995. It strengthens public disclosure requirements concerning lobbying activity and funding, places more restrictions on gifts for members of Congress and their staff, and provides for mandatory disclosure of earmarks in expenditure bills. The bill was signed into law by President George W. Bush on September 15, 2007.

This summary is from Wikipedia.

Vote Outcome

Motion Agreed to. Simple Majority Required. Source: senate.gov.

The Yea votes represented 86% of the country’s population by apportioning each state’s population to its voting senators.

Ideology Vote Chart Democrat - Yea Republican - Yea Republican - Nay

Seat position based on our ideology score.

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Vote Details

“Aye” and “Yea” mean the same thing, and so do “No” and “Nay”. Congress uses different words in different sorts of votes.

The U.S. Constitution says that bills should be decided on by the “yeas and nays” (Article I, Section 7). Congress takes this literally and uses “yea” and “nay” when voting on the final passage of bills.

All Senate votes use these words. But the House of Representatives uses “Aye” and “No” in other sorts of votes.

Download as CSV
Vote State Party Representative Score
Yea HI D Akaka, Daniel 0.298550997339
Yea MT D Baucus, Max 0.506284491449
Yea IN D Bayh, Evan 0.394370787721
Yea DE D Biden, Joseph 0.249970214777
Yea NM D Bingaman, Jeff 0.330133804108
Yea CA D Boxer, Barbara 0.0705199047798
Yea OH D Brown, Sherrod 0.0393540501257
Yea WV D Byrd, Robert 0.42120761889
Yea WA D Cantwell, Maria 0.175960175732
Yea MD D Cardin, Benjamin 0.136996844635
Yea DE D Carper, Thomas 0.387223064453
Yea PA D Casey, Bob 0.143628844944
Yea NY D Clinton, Hillary 0.0596994774896
Yea ND D Conrad, Kent 0.475470067573
Yea CT D Dodd, Christopher 0.180502915586
Yea ND D Dorgan, Byron 0.449796532785
Yea IL D Durbin, Richard 0.0596925609072
Yea WI D Feingold, Russell 0.212706164365
Yea CA D Feinstein, Dianne 0.279501083138
Yea IA D Harkin, Tom 0.284923223142
Yea HI D Inouye, Daniel 0.285827924194
Yea MA D Kennedy, Ted 0.177202292677
Yea MA D Kerry, John 0.0122523805591
Yea WI D Kohl, Herb 0.35289484768
Yea LA D Landrieu, Mary 0.495095515315
Yea NJ D Lautenberg, Frank 0.0386059311814
Yea VT D Leahy, Patrick 0.169871031221
Yea MI D Levin, Carl 0.172691639024
Yea AR D Lincoln, Blanche 0.421465535795
Yea MO D McCaskill, Claire 0.232008014677
Yea NJ D Menendez, Bob 0.0650835249301
Yea MD D Mikulski, Barbara 0.128762648974
Yea WA D Murray, Patty 0.126854483658
Yea NE D Nelson, Ben 0.643080879756
Yea FL D Nelson, Bill 0.434380147158
Yea IL D Obama, Barack 0.0778752451958
Yea AR D Pryor, Mark 0.475229246889
Yea RI D Reed, Jack 0.175979701631
Yea NV D Reid, Harry 0.3393829178
Yea WV D Rockefeller, Jay 0.285096457706
Yea CO D Salazar, Ken 0.450544499246
Yea NY D Schumer, Chuck 0.0988211250666
Yea PA R Specter, Arlen 0.444549021201
Yea MI D Stabenow, Debbie 0.203127714958
Yea MT D Tester, Jon 0.318539846793
Yea VA D Webb, Jim 0.31203959651
Yea RI D Whitehouse, Sheldon 0.0332441864147
Yea OR D Wyden, Ron 0.270152960242
Yea CT I Lieberman, Joseph 0.269352197922
Yea VT I Sanders, Bernie 0.0
Yea TN R Alexander, Lamar 0.786915070712
Yea CO R Allard, Wayne 0.944011567039
Yea WY R Barrasso, John 0.747183634932
Yea MO R Bond, Kit 0.63890449911
Yea KS R Brownback, Sam 0.779295582129
Yea KY R Bunning, Jim 0.919506301114
Yea GA R Chambliss, Saxby 0.927276277844
Yea ME R Collins, Susan 0.367320414782
Yea TN R Corker, Bob 0.747183634932
Yea NC R Dole, Elizabeth 0.74323889797
Yea NM R Domenici, Pete 0.668624159544
Yea WY R Enzi, Michael 0.911054313192
Yea IA R Grassley, Chuck 0.652144047519
Yea NH R Gregg, Judd 0.619126994379
Yea NE R Hagel, Chuck 0.688037040196
Yea UT R Hatch, Orrin 0.701791666373
Yea TX R Hutchison, Kay 0.715275331077
Yea GA R Isakson, John 0.788521626095
Yea IN R Lugar, Richard 0.462269707112
Yea FL R Martinez, Mel 0.820114050405
Yea KY R McConnell, Mitch 0.747183634932
Yea AK R Murkowski, Lisa 0.70045401989
Yea KS R Roberts, Pat 0.849698136455
Yea AL R Sessions, Jeff 0.953612290836
Yea AL R Shelby, Richard 0.711079619553
Yea OR R Smith, Gordon 0.468379685906
Yea ME R Snowe, Olympia 0.33761661744
Yea AK R Stevens, Ted 0.724445526475
Yea NH R Sununu, John 0.662566262648
Yea SD R Thune, John 0.833400227502
Yea LA R Vitter, David 0.931368296367
Yea OH R Voinovich, George 0.593828759201
Yea VA R Warner, John 0.591069198986
Nay UT R Bennett, Robert 0.67145693487
Nay NC R Burr, Richard 0.819497620134
Nay OK R Coburn, Thomas 0.874358287338
Nay MS R Cochran, Thad 0.694102346342
Nay TX R Cornyn, John 0.883028395822
Nay ID R Craig, Larry 0.896127166352
Nay ID R Crapo, Mike 0.869035964755
Nay SC R DeMint, Jim 0.956545121053
Nay NV R Ensign, John 0.861530830342
Nay SC R Graham, Lindsey 0.807691025755
Nay OK R Inhofe, Jim 1.0
Nay AZ R Kyl, Jon 0.886036435422
Nay MS R Lott, Trent 0.873723768143
Nay AZ R McCain, John 0.623064989784
No Vote SD D Johnson, Tim 0.343320515836
No Vote MN D Klobuchar, Amy 0.169845366955
No Vote MN R Coleman, Norm 0.51879628134

Statistically Notable Votes

Statistically notable votes are the votes that are most surprising, or least predictable, given how other members of each voter’s party voted and other factors.

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Study Guide

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You can find answers to most of the questions below here on the vote page. For a guide to understanding the bill this vote was about, see here.

What was the procedure for this vote?

  1. What was this vote on?

Not all votes are meant to pass legislation. In the Senate some votes are not about legislation at all, since the Senate must vote to confirm presidential nominations to certain federal positions.

This vote is related to a bill. However, that doesn’t necessarily tell you what it is about. Congress makes many decisions in the process of passing legislation, such as on the procedures for debating the bill, whether to change the bill before voting on passage, and even whether to vote on passage at all.

You can learn more about the various motions used in Congress at EveryCRSReport.com. If you aren’t sure what the Senate was voting on, try seeing if it’s on this list.

Take a look at where this bill is in the legislative process. What might come next? Keep in mind what this specific vote was on, and the context of the bill. Will there be amendments? Will the other chamber of Congress vote on it, or let it die?

For this question it may help to briefly examine the bill itself.

What is your analysis of this vote?

  1. What trends do you see in this vote?

Members of Congress side together for many reasons beside being in the same political party, especially so for less prominent legislation or legislation specific to a certain region. What might have determined how the roll call came out in this case? Does it look like Members of Congress voted based on party, geography, or some other reason?

There are two votes here that should be more important to you than all the others. These are the votes cast by your senators, which are meant to represent you and your community. Do you agree with how your senators voted? Why do you think they voted the way they did?

If you don’t already know who your Members of Congress are you can find them by entering your address here.

GovTrack displays the percentage of the United States population represented by the yeas on some Senate votes just under the vote totals. We do this to highlight how the people of the United States are represented in the Senate. Since each state has two senators, but state populations vary significantly, the individuals living in each state have different Senate representation. For example, California’s population of near 40 million is given the same number of senators as Wyoming’s population of about 600,000.

Do the senators who voted yea represent a majority of the people of the United States? Does it matter?

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GovTrack helps everyone learn about and track the activities of the United States Congress. Launched more than 20 years ago, we’re one of the oldest government transparency and accountability websites on the Internet.

This is a project of Civic Impulse, LLC. GovTrack.us is not a government website.